Sebuah blog mengatakan bahwa google mulai sektarian
Once again the search engine "Google" a provocative step towards Muslims, who represent a large percentage of users, the search giant on the Web, the commemoration of the so-called "Israel" on Palestinian land 60 years ago when it was settled by Jews displaced from around the world At that time, Palestine and expelled its people, massacred, and has been since remnants of the Jews in Palestine until the expansions or captured nearly the majority.
The "Google" to change the traditional emblem and replaced another slogan inspired by the anniversary of the founding of "Israel" and raised the range "Israeli" of the engine.
To emphasize that this is not a mere formality mistake by Google, but is intended to support and directed by the owners of Google's position and the Israeli presence, he emphasized the "Israeli" One of the two Google founders Sergey Brin will attend a celebrations marking the anniversary of the founding "Israel".
It is noted that "Google" was celebrated by an Israeli religious occasion has encountered then the memory of the war waged on Lebanon, raising the engine "Google" one time "Verses" Biblical support for the efforts of the Jewish war against Lebanon, in driving. "