Indonesian non-government organisation, after working for 10 years as the
program office of BirdLife International in Indonesia. Burung Indonesia
provides opportunities for the public to take practical action to conserve
birds and their habitats in Indonesia.
The Burung Indonesia Knowledge Centre aims to provide accurate and
appropriate information to internal and external clients, to provide
analysis to support strategic decision making, and to facilitate lesson
learning and innovation within the organization.
In pursuing these aims, a Policy and Advocacy Specialist will be in the
front line in communicating the knowledge on conservation and environmental
issues internally and externally. Beside that, this person will also be
responsible to capture and synthesize present and possible future
environmental and forestry issues which will be used to realign the
biodiversity conservation approaches currently implemented by Burung
If you are a person who has:
Minimum a bachelor degree in policy, communication or other relevance
degree; Good logical and reasoning (particularly inductive reasoning) to
identify strengths and weaknesses of alternative solutions, conclusions or
approaches to problems; Previous experience working and dealing with
government particularly with the Department of Forestry and or Foreign
affairs is an advantage; Good understanding on forestry and environmental
issues; Ability to communicate both oral and written in English (with a
proven ability in preparation of formal documents) with English language
proficiency of at least 7 in IELTS or 250 TOEFL-Computer based (Has fully
operational command of the language with only occasional unsystematic
inaccuracies and inappropriacies. Handles complex detailed argumentation
well); 5 years experience in public communication will be an advantage;
Please send your application and a full CV with references on or before two
weeks after this advertisement. Only short-listed candidates will be
contacted for interview.
Postal application addressed to: PO Box.310/BOO, Bogor 16001, INDONESIA
Henny M Sembiring
GAA Division
Burung Indonesia
Jl. Dadali No. 32, Bogor 16161
Telp. 0251- 357 222
Fax . 0251- 357 961
Website. www.burung.org