Prof Saswinadi Sasmojo, PI Del’s director is unable to attend the occasion since he is out of town. However, his message which is read by Good Fried Panggabean is delivered to all PI Del’s students. The Director’s message mainly emphasizes the need for all students to improve their performance and achievement in their study.
There are some important messages to concern delivered by every coordinator: academic coordinator, student’s affair coordinator, network coordinator and final project and job training 2007 coordinator. Three new teachers that will start teaching this semester are introduced to the students, they are: Leonard Shores and Georgeanna Shores, teaching English and Humasak Simanjuntak, teaching one of the IT subjects. The opening semester is enlivened by Tennov Simanjuntak’s general lecture on “Preventing the Failure of Information System Implementation.” The lecture in PI Del campus will start operating by Tuesday, 13 February 2007.